Dorsal Scapular Nerve


Doctor of Physical Therapy

B.S. in Kinesiology

Doctor of Physical Therapy

B.A. in Neuroscience


  • The dorsal scapular nerve is innervated by the C5 Nerve Root1.
  • The dorsal scapular nerve frequently shares a trunk with the Long Thoracic Nerve1.
  • The Dorsal Scapular Nerve comes off of the C5 nerve root prior to the formation of the Superior Trunk


“The former passes through the scalenus medius anterior internally, and scalenus posterior laterally, with the presence of some tendinous tissues”1


The posterior (dorsal) scapular nerve provies motor innervation to the rhomboids and the levator scapulae muscles1.

Motor Innervation

Dorsal Scapular n. Muscle Innervations
Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation Action
Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve Action
Levator Scapulae

/The Archive/Anatomy/Skeletal Muscles/Upper Limb Muscles/Axioappendicular Posterior Muscles/levator_scapulae.html#origin

/The Archive/Anatomy/Skeletal Muscles/Upper Limb Muscles/Axioappendicular Posterior Muscles/levator_scapulae.html#insertion


/The Archive/Anatomy/Skeletal Muscles/Upper Limb Muscles/Axioappendicular Posterior Muscles/levator_scapulae.html#action

Rhomboid Major

/The Archive/Anatomy/Skeletal Muscles/Upper Limb Muscles/Axioappendicular Posterior Muscles/rhomboid_major.html#origin

/The Archive/Anatomy/Skeletal Muscles/Upper Limb Muscles/Axioappendicular Posterior Muscles/rhomboid_major.html#insertion


/The Archive/Anatomy/Skeletal Muscles/Upper Limb Muscles/Axioappendicular Posterior Muscles/rhomboid_major.html#action

Rhomboid Minor

/The Archive/Anatomy/Skeletal Muscles/Upper Limb Muscles/Axioappendicular Posterior Muscles/rhomboid_minor.html#origin

/The Archive/Anatomy/Skeletal Muscles/Upper Limb Muscles/Axioappendicular Posterior Muscles/rhomboid_minor.html#insertion


/The Archive/Anatomy/Skeletal Muscles/Upper Limb Muscles/Axioappendicular Posterior Muscles/rhomboid_minor.html#action



Dorsal scapular nerve lesions can result from trauma or from a forward posture of the head and the neck1. Forward posture can place increased tension on the anterior cervical spine which can produce hypertonicity and/or hypertrophy of the Middle Scalene muscle1.

Clinical Presentation

Patients with dorsal scapular nerve impingement will complain of scapular pain radiating to the lateral shoulder and arm1


Dutton M. Dutton’s Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention. 5th ed. McGraw Hill Education; 2020.


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